Thursday, February 16, 2012

To be, or not to be, that is the question (Life)

And so I have conformed. Brayden Lans now has a blog. Only recently, in viewing my friends blogs have I really desired to write one.

I always thought people might like my ideas, might be interested in what I have to say. Course, that could just be coming from an overly hidden narcissistic ideal tucked away in my brain (big words I know).

But, the reason I really want to write this blog is to encourage and uplift everyone who reads it. My hope would be that in some way, you (the reader) will have a slightly new outlook on life by gaining access to some of mine.

Nothing more, nothing less. I wanted to begin by posting a note I wrote on facebook about a year ago. During this time, I was going through a couple trials in life and reflected on what really mattered. It doesn't really need much more of an introduction, so here you go. My first post:

I've discovered something you may or may not know,
now bear with me because this could be a shock to some people:

Life. Sucks...Alot.

Yes, there's the good times, the great times, the moments you wish would last forever,
and those you look back on and say, "if I could only relive that just one more time."
Your first birthday,
your first cake,
your first best friend,
the first time you got a dollar,
the first time you realized swimming isn't all that scary
Your first teddy bear you thought you'd never be seperated from
Your first A in school
Entering highschool was scary and exciting, all those big kids you'd be just like one day
You've grown
Things have changed
and for the most part these moments honestly didn't have as big of an effect on you as you thought they would.

Then there are the moments of sadness and depression.
The times you almost went crazy because you felt you couldn't take it anymore.
That moment in your life when you realize, why is my life so terrible, what did I do wrong?
That point of total lonilness and seperation, where you feel no one could ever possibly understand what's wrong
The thoughts of suicide, wondering why there's any reason to live anymore.
When your supposedly best friend stabs you in the back for the most worthless things
When people you care about could care less if you were alive
The times you cried
The times you hated
The times you felt ignored
The times you ignored
The times you slandered
The times you were rejected
The times that WEREN'T happy

It's these moments that make you stronger than you could possibly imagine,
these are the moments that stick with you,
the moments that pick at your brain
the moments that challenge your soul
the moments that. make. you. better!

Human's are messed up. No one is exempt, and there is no hiding from it.
If you try to cover it up, it's like trying to wash the dirt off of dirt itself. It can't be done.
sure you can dress it up and make it look pretty, but sooner or later, it's gonna come out.
There is a silver lining though. You are no better or worse than any other person in the world.
This physical life force and crazy thing we call life are not what its about. It's where IT all happens,
but its not what its about.

I can tell you one thing though
It's worth it.
All the pain,
It's worth it.
All the tears,
It's worth it.
All the suffering for seemingly no reason,
It's worth it.

Life. Sucks....alot

It's full of hard choices,
decisions you don't want to make,
situations you wish you could avoid,
people you don't want to deal with, 
anger you wish you could subdue,
but it's worth it.

Life. Sucks....alot
but it's worth it.

But why? If life is so terrible, how could it possibly be "worth it"?
I could throw numerous Bible verses at you.
countless speeches and books written by well known Christian authors.
But you know all the sayings, all the sunday school answers.
But WHY is it REALLY worth it?!

Everyone knows there must be something better, something greater than the hell we're going through right now.
Denying it would be lying to yourself, disagree with me, I dare you.
The purpose these sufferings serve is to make THAT all the more greater.
If you're happy with what you've got, why would you want something else?
If things were easy, what possible reason could you have to get something better?
If you liked this life, why would you want another one?

You see, this is why I think this life sucks sometimes, because the next is going to be so much greater.
Not only do the trials make you stronger in this life, it makes the next SO MUCH BETTER!
Imagine the pain you're going through now, and think if that pain were the exact opposite.
Excrusiating and exhausting happiness. 

Life. Sucks.
But It's worth it. 

P.S. In case you were wondering, the title of every blog post I write will simply be a random quote from Shakespeare. Here's the fun part, you have to find out which play its from. :)

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